Friday, January 15, 2010

No Chemo

Hello everyone. I have completed my radiation treatments and the balloon catheter was removed today. Hallelujah!!! It was cumbersome and they had me in a post surgical bra which had absolutely no support so we bound me up with a wide ace bandage. I then had an appearance of a uni-boob. Very attractive. Anyway, I am happy to be wearing my own bra now and waiting for the incision to coagulate so I can take a shower (24-48 hrs).

The medical oncologist who we met with yesterday, said he is 99% sure we won't have to have chemotherapy. He said we will do homorne therapy which will be a homorne blocker. I need to research the two possibilities as one will cause weight gain and could cause headaches while the other one can promote osteoperosis. Great choices, eh? But I am sure there must be some comparble choices. Time to start researching.

I will appreciate continued prayers and thoughts that this last test the Dr. is running will prove favorable and we can go ahead with the hormone therapy. I will say once again that if you should ever happen to know anyone going through this, please give her my e-mail address or phone number and let me encourage her through it. Thanks for positive thoughts and prayers ~~Sarah


  1. Beckie told me this the other day, I'm so happy for you! :)

  2. Ma, I gave you an award! The details are on my blog! LOVE YOU!!!
